Design A Website With No Coding Experience

I get this question a lot. Someone may ask, do you have to know how to code to design websites? The answer is no. You do not have to be proficient in coding to be a web designer. 

I am someone who enjoys coding. The advantages of coding are that you can customize your websites and webpages to exactly how you want them. Understanding languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript will only help you. So, when you get the time I would advise learning them.

However, here are some helpful tips for designing a website if you cannot code.

  1. Layout and Wireframing

There are numerous tools to help you layout a website. Adobe XD, Photoshop, Illustrator, and figma to name a few. If you know how to use these then go for it. If not, nothing beats a pen and paper. Don’t use the excuse “I can’t draw”. Layout and wireframing do not have to be detailed. I like to draw boxes where I want pictures or certain content and label it. I might use horizontal squiggly lines to represent a paragraph or some text. The bottom line is that this is tentative and supposed to get you on track. Often layout and wireframing help you quickly identify what will work and what won’t work. 

  1. Themes and Page Builders

Throughout the years’ software has been made to benefit people who cannot code and want to build websites. These are WordPress, Wix, Shopify, and Squarespace. My favorite is WordPress but this does take a little time to get comfortable with. All of these software and tools allow users to build web pages and websites with a drag and drop technique. If you would like a picture or a body of text in a certain position, you simply drag and drop it. Each of these tools is unique but is also easy to use. Additionally, themes can be added to your website. Themes often have multiple pre-built pages that you can customize. The good thing is these are created by web designers who take the hard part out. You are left to paste your info pics etc.. into the sections that are already built. This makes creating websites convenient and user friendly. 

  1. Research

You may have a great idea or feature you would like to implement into your website. The problem is you don’t know how to do it. This is where research comes in handy. Without the knowledge of code, you may have to dig deeper to find solutions. Many sites offer forums on how to accomplish certain tasks. Developers create plugins that allow users to implement features to their website without any code at all. It may take some searching to find the right one for your specific need and that’s ok. There is always a solution, you just have to find it. Don’t get discouraged because research is no easy task. 

Give it a try, go out, and create a beautiful website of your own with no coding experience!